
Bonded Fillings Treatment in Sandpoint

Pre-Op Diagnosis of Decay

Opened to Show Decay

Decay Removed

Restored with Bonded Fillings

Regular exams and xrays allow Dr. MacNeill to check for cavities. It is always better to fix a cavity when it is small because then a simple filling with fix the decay. Waiting until the cavity is large may mean a need for a root canal, crown or even that the tooth cannot be fixed and needs to be extracted.

At MacNeill Family Dental we place only bonded composite resin fillings. They are strong, durable and tooth colored so they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Dr. MacNeill can also identify small cracks in teeth that are letting in bacteria to allow a cavity to form within your tooth. When we catch these as small cracks and cavities, she can clean that small area out and place a tooth colored bonded filling. This is much more of a conservative fix than allowing the cracks and cavities to enlarge, necessitating a crown, root canal or loss of the tooth altogether.

What are Bonded Fillings?

Bonded fillings, also known as composite resin fillings, are an effective and aesthetic solution for treating tooth decay, cracks, and chips. They are made from a tooth-colored material that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a strong and durable restoration. These fillings not only restore the health and integrity of your teeth but also improve their overall appearance.

Fracture Line in Tooth Allowing Cavity to Occur

After Removal of Old Filling to See Cavity

Restored with a New Composite Filling

Benefits of Bonded Fillings

Choosing bonded fillings offers several benefits that make them an excellent choice for dental restorations:

  1. Aesthetically Pleasing: The composite resin used for bonded fillings is custom-shaded to match the color of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result.
  2. Preservation of Tooth Structure: Bonded fillings require less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to traditional amalgam fillings, helping to preserve the strength and integrity of your teeth.
  3. Versatile Application: Bonded fillings can be used to restore both front and back teeth, making them suitable for addressing a wide range of dental issues.
  4. Improved Durability: The bonding process creates a strong bond between the filling material and the tooth, providing long-lasting durability and resistance to wear and fracturing.
  5. Minimized Sensitivity: Unlike traditional metal fillings, bonded fillings do not conduct temperature changes as much, reducing the risk of tooth sensitivity.

Experience Exceptional Dental Care at MacNeill Family Dental

When you choose MacNeill Family Dental for your bonded fillings and other dental needs, you can expect compassionate care and exceptional results. Dr. MacNeill and our team pride themselves on staying up to date with the latest advancements in dental technology and techniques to provide our patients with comfortable and effective treatments.

If you are experiencing tooth decay, cracks, or chips and wish to restore your smile with bonded fillings, we invite you to schedule a consultation at MacNeill Family Dental. Contact us today and take the first step towards achieving a healthy, radiant smile.

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